About Me

Hi, I am Andrew Park. I am currently a sophomore studying Computer Engineering at UC San Diego. Although my primary background is Sourth Korea, I was blended with diverse cultures: I was born in North Carolina and lived there for five years. Then, I moved to Seoul, South Korea, and lived there for another five years, and I moved to Shanghai, China. At last, I ended up here at San Diego.

I am currently a frontend web developer at Citmit where machine learning technology is implemented to facilitate the process of obtaining permits for constructions.

I am very excited to explore through the applications of computer enginnering in different fields. Specifically, I want dive into artificial intelligence and software engineering, and I am currently seeking an internship related to these fields that I am interested in.


Computer engineering can be utilized in numerous diverse fields, such as bioengineering, physics, and others. Therefore, one of the most important aspect of being a successful computer engineer is to have diverse experience at different fields. I have worked as a full-stack developer, tutor, software developer, and project leader. These priceless experiences not only strengthened my computer engineering background but also understood how computer engineering can be applied to other fields, such as education and governmental documents.

Why Computer Engineering?

The first time I encountered the concept of coding was when I was in middle school learning Scratch. This is when I fell in love with programming and was intrigued by coding because I can contruct whatever I want using lines of codes. The blank Java file on the screen’s IDE is like a white canvas where I can draw whatever I imagine. And I chose computer engineering to solidify my imaginations and to bring them in real life.